August is my favorite month of the year for so many reasons. My wedding anniversary, my birthday, my husband's birthday, and my twin sons' half birthday is all in August. Yes, we count the half birthday. (This matters to some children.) August is the month of the Indiana State Fair which I love attending annually and on multiple days during each year. Unfortunately, corona stole the fair from us. August is also the month where I tend to harvest a lot of produce. Let's check out the action!

My students came back on August 17. K-3 is in-person unless their families chose the remote option, and 4-8 is 100% remote. In preparation for the next school year, I was slow on the harvesting component of the garden. During that time, my zucchinis got huge! There I am holding one of the big ones. My son Jerry was kind enough to take that photo.
I have been cooking up lots of zucchini. Sometimes I fried it up and ate it like that, and other times, I incorporated it into a dish as seen in the video below.
Next, we tackled the cucumbers. This is only our second year growing cucumbers. The first time, we only harvested a couple of cucumbers. This year, we were able to pick six in total. Behind my sons, you can see how the vine died. I have no clue why the vine died. I wished it had not because I want more cukes (as my great uncle used to call them)!

We can't forget about the peppers. This is one of my best years growing peppers.

The best part is combining multiple items we grew for a meal. Yes, there are a few tomatoes in that salad. My tomatoes have been struggling, but I believe it is time for a comeback! Yep, the kale is still going strong since spring. This salad was delicious. I can't wait to harvest some more!

Remember, anyone can be a gardener. You just need to get ready, get set, and grow!
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