During 2019, we grew: mint, chives, oregano, tarragon, thyme, sage, basil, lavender, spinach, lettuce, kale, mustard greens, onions, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, canteloupe, honeydew melons, blackberry bush, blueberry bush, zucchini, and an apple tree
I hope I did not forget anything!
Garden 2019
This was our 10th year as urban gardeners.
Our herbs did well again. We had to give some away.
We participated in our first farmer's market.
Gardeners Jerry and James watered plants and harvested independently of Gardener Shicole!
Bell peppers were mostly eaten by bugs.
Apple tree suffered from disease.
New job as a school administrator took some time away from our garden.
New Experiences
We planted cauliflower for the first time and two of the four plants produced cauliflower!
We planted our first apple tree!
From Our Boys
Jerry - I liked our garden space. We had a lot of space for the food we grew. I liked learning new things about plants.
James - I tasted different things. I liked that I got to taste everything I helped grow.