I love to eat beets, but I don't grow them. I harvest beets from my parents' garden. If you have ever had to slice or dice a beet, then you know they can leave a nice purplish stain on your hands.
This week, my nieces are staying at my house and I had a few beets. My nieces stay with me for a week each summer. As a good Auntie does, I try to do some fun activities and make special treats. Last summer, when they came, we made ice cream. This summer one of my nieces is a little under the weather, so I decided to make some sugar cookies solo. Why not? Sugar Cookie National day took place this week, so I had to participate.
I don't know about you, but I like to whip up some icing to spread on top of my sugar cookies. This time, I did a little experimenting. I boiled a beet and incorporated some of the beet juice into the icing I was making. It gave the icing a nice pink shade. I'll have to make this recipe a few more times before I write up the recipe card.
If you were wondering about the taste, you can't taste a beet flavor at all. All of the kids loved the cookies, so it was a win-win for everyone. When my nieces go home and are asked if they had some vegetables, they can even say they had them in their dessert too.
Gardener Shicole
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