When my husband and I first started gardening in 2009, we only grew food during the summer. A few years ago, we decided to start gardening earlier and stop gardening later; we began in the spring and finished gardening in the fall to increase the amount of food we harvested. Unfortunately, 2018 has gotten off to a rocky start.
Although I have a few jobs, my main job is being a 9th/10th grade English/Language Arts Multi-classroom Leader (9th/10th E/LA MCL). What the heck is that? That is what most people say when I give them my long title. It simply means I teach high school English for part of the day and then I coach teachers in best practices for literacy during the other part of the day. The previous school year, I was in my second year as an elementary literacy coach when I learned my position was going to be eliminated. This year, my current position has also been eliminated. Instead of getting started on my spring garden, I was on a job search.
On days when I didn't have after-school interviews, I tried to garden, but I wasn't the most attentive to my garden. A rabbit (which I saw with my own two eyes) gained easy access to some greens I had failed to protect. I kept telling myself I would get to it later, but then it was too late. In addition to the pesky rabbit another animal dug up most of the spinach and lettuce seeds my sons planted. Typically, I have caught chipmunks digging in the garden, but I haven't caught them this year yet. They are probably the culprit. To make matters worse, JB (one of my sons) said he saw a mouse in the garden too!
I have been frustrated and I almost thought about giving up and waiting until summer. Not only has my time been consumed by my job search, the end-of-the-year events for my sons' school has been filling up my schedule. I did nothing for two weeks, but sulk and have a pity party about my failed spring garden (the only plants growing were the perennials). Facebook was no help. I kept seeing photos of what we harvested on this day for the last few years. Then, my sons got me out of my funk. JJ said, "This stuff happens Mommy. Animals are sneaky. We have to protect the garden better next time." He's right. Stuff happens! Now, it is spring garden, take two.
Currently, we are growing the following:
three types of spinach
magic carpet thyme
winter thyme
French tarragon
Juliet tomatoes
curly kale
yellow zucchini
Yes, items are under protection now. Stay tuned because we are going to make some new videos soon!
To keep up with our 2018 garden, make sure you are connected to us on social media:
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And if you still haven't viewed our top six videos from 2017, click here to check them out!