Last year, my garden update didn't come until August! This year, I'm back to my regular schedule. Why is that? I graduated!
It is now Dr. Shawnta Shicole Stockton Barnes...but y'all can still call me Gardener Shicole. I graduated last month with an education doctorate in Literacy, Culture, and Language Education and a minor in learning sciences from Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana.
I finally have more time. I have taken classes during the summer for the last several years. It is so nice to not have to write a paper and miss time in my garden.
Now, I can get back to creating my garden oasis. More on that in another post!
To keep up with me, Gardener Shicole, follow my journey on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube accounts.
Go to https://www.gardenershicole.com/pastgardens to read about all of our past gardens, or go to https://www.gardenershicole.com/garden-2022 to read only about our 2022 garden.

Remember, anyone can be a gardener. You just need to get ready, get set, and grow!
To keep up with our 2023 garden, make sure you are connected to us on social media:
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